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Linkek a témában:
The Segway Story, a More Balanced View
The history of the electric vehicle is actually much longer than you might think and I wrote something about that amazing story in a different article on this site, but modern day “hoverboards” and other self-balancing electric people-transporters owe their existence in great part to the invention of one amazing machine – the Segway PT
Segway Inventor Dean Kamen
Kamen is best known for inventing the product that eventually became known as the Segway PT, an electric, self-balancing human transporter with a computer-controlled gyroscopic stabilization and control system.
Everything You Need to Know About the “Hoverboard” Craze
When it was revealed in 2001, the Segway scooter was ‘supposed’ to revolutionize the way people got around. However, the self-balancing means of transportation never caught on. In the last year, similar products have entered popular culture thanks to a number of influential users
The Weird Origin Story of the Viral, Dangerous Hoverboard
... I need to admit that I don’t know, positively, where the scooter comes from...
This Company Is Winning the Hoverboard Race
Yellin and Waxman are co-owners of PhunkeeDuck, makers of the $1,499 … thing. A two-wheeled self-balancing scooter would be the most accurate way to refer to it. But most people have gone with “hoverboard”...
The inventor of the hoverboard says ...
The inventor of the hoverboard says he's made no money from it
Hoverboard, mini segway egy lapos, kétkerekű, kis elektromos jármű. Ráállva a talpunk lenyomásával tudunk vele gyorsulni, lassulni, kanyarodni, forogni, ebben a beépített giroszkóp és elektronika segít minket. Ezt a jópofa eszközt Smartboard, Önegyensúlyozó roller, Airboard, Balanceboard, e-Board, Self-balancing scooter néven is ismerhetjük. A linkválogatás segít eligazodni a témában.